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Neuroradiographic Findings in Newborn Period & Outcome in Children with Sympt Congen CMV Infection
Pediatrics 99:409-414, Boppana,S.B.,et al, 1997
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Article Abstract
Abnormal CT scans were noted in 70%of subjects;intracerebral calcification was the most frequent finding.Most of the children with an abnormal newborn CT scan(90%)developed at least one sequela,compared with 29%of those with a normal study.Only 1 child with a normal CT scan had an IQ<70, in contrast to 59%of those with imaging abnormalities.In addition,almost half of the children with CT abnormalities had an IQ<50 compared with none of those with a normal CT scan.Newborn CT abnormalities were also associated with an abnormal hearing screen at birth and hearing loss on follow-up.None of the neonatal neurologic findings were predictive of an abnormal CT scan.In neonates with symptomatic congenital CMV infection,a cranial CT scan is a good predictor of an adverse neurodevelopmental outcome.In addition,newborn clinical and laboratory findings did not predict neuroradiographic abnormalities in neonates with symptomatic congenital CMV infection.
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